Around 42% of those who have a property for sale see with a positive eye the upward trajectory of real estate prices, as they believe that in the next period real estate prices will continue their upward trajectory, according to a survey by the newdeal real estate Academy in collaboration with the Laboratory of Accounting Education and Applications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA).

However, another percentage is split between those predicting a stabilization (29.7%) or a decline (27.72%) due to inflation, the energy crisis and higher mortgage rates.

“It is true that the real estate market continues to move at the pace it had taken, but this is explained by the fact that it does not react instantly to negative events, as it happens, for example, in the stock market. It is calmer”, he points out with reference to the results of the research Stavroula Vamvaka, president of the newdeal real estate group network.

“It is something that is also confirmed by the data coming from the Bank of Greece and concerning the second quarter of the year. Real estate prices not only did not show a decline, but on the contrary, the rate of increase was impressively high (9.4%)”.

This performance, even if it is the best of the year, does not change the new reality and the dynamics shown by the market. After all, in times of inflation the property was a safe haven, the research states.

In the same research carried out by the newdeal Academy, what is the expected time for the sale was also examined. Most owners (51.98%) consider that a property worth up to 300,000 euros can be sold in 6 months. Some others that it takes a year (24.75%) and there are those who estimate that even more time is needed (16.83%).

But there are also the over-optimistic who believe that it will take a month (6.44%) The best average time to sell a property was in the pre-crisis period and was estimated at 3 months. For the crisis period it was more than 18 months.
