The electronic platform for the declaration of forgotten square meters in the Municipalities has already been opened. Specifically, the interested owners can declare their real square meters until June 30, paying the fees that are due to them.

It is noted that the submission of the declaration of undeclared square meters is accompanied by a 20% surcharge on the due fees of the period from 1 January 2020 until the day of submission of the declaration.

The resulting amount can be repaid in 24 equal monthly installments with a minimum monthly installment limit of the last installment of 10 euros for individuals and 50 euros for legal entities.

Corrections must be made by June 30th. Specifically, the owners should enter the electronic address . With the codes of Taxisnet they will enter the internet application of KEDE, in which the details of each property registered in E9 will be displayed, and in the charging base of municipal fees of HEDNO, related to the number of electricity supply of the property, if any.

This application will state the actual area of ​​each property that is electrified or that is not electrified, or has never been electrified, neat or not, which should coincide with the area declared in E9, but also any change of use of property in another than that which was declared to the municipality.

In this way the owners will be completely free from retroactive charges of municipal taxes and municipal fees, fines and surcharges (up to 200%) for periods before 2020.

The submission of the declaration of undeclared square meters is accompanied by a 20% surcharge on the due fees of the period from 1 January 2020 until the day of submission of the declaration.

It is not necessary for all owners to declare the actual area of ​​the property to which they have rights (full ownership, small ownership or usufruct). As long as it is declared by an owner.

Each declaration is made per supply number for the electrified properties or per property in case it is not electrified. By selecting a property with a supply number, all the properties you have in the Municipality with the same supply number will be automatically added to the declaration.

Owners of ancillary spaces in apartment buildings, such as underground garages or warehouses that are powered by communal clocks, have the opportunity to declare these spaces on the electronic platform as electrified.

It is noted that pilots are declared as open parking lots, ie surface of the property if they are private, while they are not declared if they are public spaces.
